Mixed Media

Do you love gluing, painting, sanding, stenciling, stamping, scraping, sewing, tearing, cutting, image transferring, the list goes on and we are adding new techniques every day? We will walk you through how to use unconventional tools and techniques to create a beautiful piece of art. This is one of the workshops that we show you what you need to know then let you loose to play. Don’t worry, we won’t leave you and we are always there to assist. We want you to have the freedom to express your creative and artistic side without too much direction from us.

This workshop requires a substantial substrate as a base. A stretched canvas won’t hold up to the amount of pressure and manipulation we will apply. Heavy-duty artist cradles are the perfect base.

This is an inside/outside workshop. Some of the tools we use (Spray paint, sanding) need to be in a well-ventilated area.